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How to compile the MS-DOS from Microsoft open source


Recently Microsoft just opened source MS-DOS 4.0 under MIT license. Let's try to compile it.

MS-DOS github:

More info:


Compiling Environment

Since the toolchain shipped with the source code in the same repository are 16 bit binaries. We can't run it in modern Windows 10 or 11. We need to run it under a 16 bit Virtual machine or emulator. It can be FreeDOS (VM) or DOSBox (emulator). We'll use DOSBox because it's easy to setup and run directly in Windows 10/11.

Download and setup DOSBox:

You can press Ctrl+F12 to increase CPU speed, around 18000-20000 cycles is a good number

Obtain the source code

Download the source code from MS-DOS Github repo:
and then extract it

or clone it with git clone command

git clone --depth=1

Mount the source code directory to DOSBox

In order to use files from the host computer (Windows 10/11) in DOSBox, we have to mount it.
In DOSBox Run this command:

# mount source code to driver D
mount d c:\Users\Hao\Download\MS-DOS-main\v4.0

# go to the source code dir
cd SRC

# verify

The command will mount the directory C:\Users\Hao\Download\MS-DOS-main\v4.0 (host computer) to driver D: of DOSBox.
Remember to change C:\Users\Hao\Download\MS-DOS-main\v4.0 with your path in your computer


First try

From here, we can try to compile it. Run:

it will print the guide how to build it. You can open RUNME.BAT from the host computer to see the whole file content

Basically there're 3 steps:

  • Run SETENV.BAT to setup environment
  • Run NMAKE command to start building
  • Run CPY outputDir to copy the built files to the output folder

Let's try it



There are errors due to file encoding (need to change to ASCII) and line ending differences between linux and DOS (need to change from LF to CRLF), we have to patch it. You can try to do it yourself or use my script to do it quickly.

Patch the source code

Open PowerShell from host computer, cd to the MS-DOS-main\v4.0\src directory and run these commands one by one

(Get-Content "SETENV.BAT") -replace "tools\\lib","tools\bld\lib" | Set-Content -Path "SETENV.BAT" -Encoding ASCII
(Get-Content "SETENV.BAT") -replace "tools\\inc","tools\bld\inc" | Set-Content -Path "SETENV.BAT" -Encoding ASCII

(Get-Content "MAPPER/GETMSG.ASM") -replace "\xEF\xBF\xBD|\xC4\xBF|\xC4\xB4","#" | Set-Content -Path "MAPPER/GETMSG.ASM" -Encoding ASCII
(Get-Content "SELECT/SELECT2.ASM") -replace "\xEF\xBF\xBD|\xC4\xBF|\xC4\xB4","#" | Set-Content -Path "SELECT/SELECT2.ASM" -Encoding ASCII
(Get-Content "SELECT/USA.INF") -replace "\xEF\xBF\xBD|\xC4\xBF|\xC4\xB4","#" | Set-Content -Path "SELECT/USA.INF" -Encoding ASCII

Get-ChildItem -Path . -Filter *.BAT -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object {
    echo $_.FullName
    (Get-Content -raw $_.FullName) -replace "(?<!`r)`n","`r`n" | Set-Content -nonewline -Encoding ASCII $_.FullName
Get-ChildItem -Path . -Filter *.ASM -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object {
    echo $_.FullName
    (Get-Content -raw $_.FullName) -replace "(?<!`r)`n","`r`n" | Set-Content -nonewline -Encoding ASCII $_.FullName
Get-ChildItem -Path . -Filter *.SKL -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object {
    echo $_.FullName
    (Get-Content -raw $_.FullName) -replace "(?<!`r)`n","`r`n" | Set-Content -nonewline -Encoding ASCII $_.FullName
Get-ChildItem -Path . -Filter ZERO.DAT -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object {
    echo $_.FullName
    (Get-Content -raw $_.FullName) -replace "(?<!`r)`n","`r`n" | Set-Content -nonewline -Encoding ASCII $_.FullName
Get-ChildItem -Path . -Filter LOCSCR -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object {
    echo $_.FullName
    (Get-Content -raw $_.FullName) -replace "(?<!`r)`n","`r`n" | Set-Content -nonewline -Encoding ASCII $_.FullName

Now let's build again

cd D:\SRC

Tada!!! The build is successful. 🎉🎉

Runing the compiled MS-DOS 4.0

Now we can copy built files to the output directory. Run:

# make output dir
mkdir D:\BIN


Now we're inside the built directory of the DOS 4.0, we can run the new built COMMAND.COM shell

cd D:\BIN

# set DOSBox version to 4
ver set 4

# check version
# -> you can see printed version is 4.00 from DOSBox
# "DOSBox version 0.74-3. Reported DOS version 4.00."

# now call COMMAND.COM from D:\BIN directory to swith shell


# check version, again
# ->now  you can see printed version is 4.00 from the new shell
# "MS-DOS Version 4.00"

That's it, now we're running MS-DOS 4.00 from the binaries we just built.

What's next?

From here, you can try to build a bootable image and boot it with Virtual Box or VMWare. Goodluck!